I guess the seasons are changing, and typical melbourne; warm and sunny one minute...hail, rain and storms the next (let's use yesterday as a prime example shall we?!) and I don't know about you but my lips are ALWAYS dry!
Now I have just joined the world of lipstick...lip shades, colours, styles (ok there is no such thing as lip styles but I felt like I needed a third option to sound like I have done my research and know all there is to know about lipstick) I love pink. I'm a pink girl, and all my friends will vouch for that. I love reds, oranges and nude colours but I always stick to pink...I would say there are about 300 different shades of pink (slight over exaggeration but you get my point) and I am slowly growing this collection.

Now this post isn't on lip colours (that is to come) its on keeping you lip colour on long enough. Yes I know lipsticks now are marketed that you will have 'longer lasting lips' but I have bought those and well...they don't last! I will keep searching, however, for now I have been looking at lip balms and yesterday I came across Carmex. I am not familiar with this brand (you may be) it comes in a retro looking tube, stick or tub and looks very 70s. It made me think it will be one of those products you will eventually label "my trusty old faithful.." which I am quickly starting to say (even though I have had it just over 24hours). The best part to this is that it not only hydrates my forever chapped lips, but because I applied it prior to the lipstick application I found my lip colour lasted longer, even after my morning coffee and mid morning cup of tea...I am in love. I don't usually fall this hard this fast but there is always a first for everything...

Oh and I forgot to mention one of my favourite things about it (well one of my favourites clearly...) its not tested on animals. So it ticks all the boxes for me...xo
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